Avoiding Steel and Metal Building Construction Errors

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Avoiding Steel and Metal Building Construction Errors

avoiding metal building construction errors

Just like with any other major building construction setting, metal building design and construction are complex and nuanced situations that involve many different processes. It’s important to ensure that the entire project is laid out well and that possible errors or pitfalls are avoided, and there are a few key areas to be looking at here for steel and metal structures in particular.

At Wasatch Steel, we’re here to provide numerous forms of steel for building construction and many other needs around Salt Lake City and other parts of Utah, from steel plate and steel sheet to steel bar and many others. Here are a few of the most frequent mistakes made during steel and metal building construction, plus how to steer clear of them and keep your project functioning ideally.

Improper Size and Land Assessment

In many cases, one of the most significant errors for this sort of project actually comes before the main construction even begins. Before getting started on a metal building design and construction, it’s important to assess the land size accurately, as well as the size of your project itself, so that there is adequate room for building up and around without any potential issues or clashes with other structures in the area.

For instance, attempting to build a large steel structure in an area with limited space can lead to issues later on, so be sure to map out the exact size of what you need and ensure that it the land comfortably.

Foundation Concerns

As you move further along in the project, it’s also essential to be sure that your foundation is set up properly. With steel and metal structures, you need a solid base that can support the weight of the structure itself and everything inside; otherwise, you may run into issues over time that could have been avoided with proper setup from the beginning.

Be sure to survey the area, determine the soil type and condition, and build a foundation that is suitable for your project’s size and weight. You should also check for any potential drainage issues and address them before moving on with the rest of the construction.

Local Building Code Negligence

Another frequent problem that comes up with metal building design and construction is negligence when it comes to local building code requirements. Be sure to speak with your local municipality or governing body early on, so that you can understand what the specific codes and regulations are, and how they will apply to your project.

By doing this from the beginning of the process, you can avoid any potential headaches and time-consuming issues that could arise if you attempt to complete a project without following the applicable regulations.

Wrong Metal Selection

Choosing the right metal for your project is also essential. There are many different metals you can choose from, and each one has its own unique properties that must be taken into consideration when selecting a material to use.

Be sure to factor in the intended purpose of your structure, the environment it will be located in, as well as any specific issues that may come up during construction or over time. With the right metal selection, your project can be completed effectively and last for many years to come.

Improper Safety Precautions

One major area for any building construction, not just metal, is safety. Make sure to take all proper precautions when working on your project, and be aware that metal building design and construction may involve some hazardous materials or situations.

Be sure to have a plan in place for any potential safety issues, and make sure that everyone involved with the project knows what to do in case of an emergency. Additionally, if you are working with a team of professionals, make sure that everyone is familiar with the safety guidelines for the job.

Working With an Inexperienced Manufacturer

In other cases, issues with metal building projects trace back to working with an inexperienced manufacturer or distributor. Seeking out a reputable supplier and team of professionals is essential if you want to ensure that the project goes smoothly, so be sure to take your time when researching potential partners.

At Wasatch Steel, we have decades of experience providing top-quality steel for various building designs and construction projects, both small and large. We are committed to providing the best service and materials, so you can rest assured that your project is in good hands. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services for clients around SLC and other parts of Utah.